Abolition of Colonial Slavery Sydney
Herald 18 August 1834 |
News. By the William Lockerby and Lyra, we have
received English newspapers to the 28th of March, the contents of which are generally
uninteresting; the following are extracts; London, March 25, 1834. In the
House of Lords last night .... The
Marquis of Lansdowne laid on the table an Order in Council for carrying into
effect in the Island of Jamaica the provisions of the act of last session for
the abolition of colonial slavery. The noble
Marquis said he was happy to state that Government had received authentic
accounts of good effects produced by the measure in that important colony,
and expressed his belief that the measure will be found to have effected a
more beneficial change in the state of society there, than has ever before
been brought about in any place. |