Blowering Reception Committee.

28 November 1919 Adelong and Tumut Express and Tumbarumba Post

A meeting of the Blowering Reception Committee was held at Mr. and Mrs. F. J Bourke's for the purpose of passing the balance-sheet in connection with the banquet and welcome home tendered to Pte Ryan, V.C.

Mr. A. H. Watts paid a tribute to Mr. and Mrs. F. J Bourke and family for the kindness they had gone to in lending their house for so many meetings and welcomes, and to Mrs. F. J. Bourke for so successfully carrying out the duties of secretary and treasurer. Messrs P. Halloran and J P. Sullivan spoke in support. Mr. F. J Bourke returned thanks.

The balance sheet showed a clear profit from the banquet of £20. The secretary of the Tumut banquet handed to the Blowering secretary £7/4/9, making the amount to be presented to Pte Ryan £27/4/9.