Boundaries of Camden & Argyle Counties The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 3 March
Saturday, 3d March, 1821. Civil, Department. His Excellency the
Governor has been pleased to assign the undermentioned
Boundaries to the Counties of Camden and Argyle; viz. County of
Camden, bounded on the north and West sides by the Warragamba
and Wingeecarabee Rivers to the Main South Road,
thence by a south line to Shoal-haven River; on the south by Shoalhaven River to the sea; on the north-east side by
the Nepean River, the eastern branch of the same or Cataract River; and an
east line to Coal Cliff Point on the coast; and on the east side by the sea. County of
Argyle, bounded on the north west by the Wollondilly
and Cookbundoon Rivers to the main road on the east
side of the Cookbundoon Range; from thence by a
south line to the Wollondilly River, and by that
river; on the south by and east line from the Wollondilly
River, touching the northern extreme of Bathurst Lake to Shoal-haven River,
and by that river; and on the east by the County of Camden. His Excellency the Governor having been pleased to appoint Joseph Wild
to be a Constable in the County of Argyle, he is to be obeyed as such
accordingly. |