Boundaries of the Colony & its 19 Counties

The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser

20 October 1829.

1) His Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified, with reference to the 5th paragraph of the Government Order of 5th September,1826, No. 35, that the boundaries of the Colony within which settlers will be permitted to select land have been fixed, for the present as follows, viz.

On the North.

The river Manning, from the sea coast, westward, to the chain of mountains at the head of that river ; and that chain, extending in a general direction nearly westward, from Mount Royal to a conical summit distant four and a half Miles, North 46° West, from the Burning Hill at Wingan, and continuing thence westward, by Oxley's Peak and Pandora's Pass, to where it is intersected by a line due north from the station at Wellington Valley; so as to include all the streams, valleys, and ravines which descend to the rivers Goulburn and Hunter.

On the West.

The line above-mentioned to the station on the junction of the rivers Bell and Macquarie, at Wellington Valley; thence the Macquarie to the junction of the Currigurra Rivulet at the north-western angle of the County of Bathurst; thence the western boundary of that county, as described below, and a line in continuation thereof bearing due south to the pic of Pabral, a remarkable mountain of a conical form; and thence the Mountains of Warragong, a lofty Chain which extends first Southward from Pabral,and then Eastward.

On the South.

The chain of mountains extending from Mount Murray, the highest point of Warragong Chain; by the Twins, two remarkable pics in the latitude of Bateman Bay, named Tindery by the natives; and thence, an east line to the Shoal-Haven River at the south western angle of the County of Saint Vincent, and that river and the river Murroo, according to the county boundary, as described below, to the sea coast.

On the East.

The sea-coast, from the mouth of the Murroo, to the mouth of the Manning.


Thirty-four thousand five hundred and five, 34,505, square miles, or twenty-two million eighty-three thousand and two hundred, 22,083,200 acres.

2. His Excellency also directs it to be notified, that the following divisions have been adopted for counties to be established, hereafter within the above boundaries.

It is to be understood, however, that the present notification is not intended as the publication directed by His Majesty's instructions, and necessary to the legal erection of counties, the arrangements not being sufficiently advanced for that purpose. But it has more particularly in view the convenience which it will afford to settlers in describing their selections, and to the Commissioners and Surveyor General's Department in apportioning the territory, and laying down the requisite reserves for public purposes, viz.

1. County of Cumberland.

Bounded on the north and west by the rivers Hawkesbury and Nepean. On the south-west and south by the Nepean, the Cataract River, and a line bearing east   20° South to Bulli on the sea-coast, which forms the eastern boundary.

2. County of Camden.

Bounded on the north by a line bearing west 20° north, from Bulli on the sea-coast to the head of the Cataract River; thence by that river and the Nepean to its junction with the Wollondilly, there called the Warrugumba. On the west by the river Wollondilly to the junction of the Uringalla, commonly called Paddy's River, and by the Uringalla and Barber's Creek, forming the boundary between Camden and Argyle, to the Shoal-Havan River. On the South by the Shoal-haven River to the sea-coast, which forms the eastern boundary.

3. County of St. Vincent.

Bounded on the north and west by the Shoal-Haven River. On the south by an east line of four miles from the Shoal-Haven River to the Murroo, in the latitude of the mouth of that river; and thence by that river to the sea-coast, which forms the eastern boundary.

4, County of Northumberland.

Bounded on the north by the river Hunter. On the west by Wollombi Brook to the junction of Sugar-loaf Creek; by that creek to its head in the range dividing the waters of the Hawkesbury from those of the Hunter; by that range to the head of the lower branch of the Hawkesbury; and by the said lower branch to its junction with that river. On the South by the Hawkesbury to the sea-coast, which forms the eastern boundary.

5. County of Gloucester.

Bounded on the north by the river Manning. On the west by a line due south to the river Thalaba; and by William's River to the sea-coast. On the south-east and east by the sea-coast.

6. County of Durham.

Bound on the east by William's River and the Church Lands adjoining the Aus- tralian Agricultural Company's Grant. On the north by the upper part of the river Mannning, and the Range of Mount Royal.  On the west and south by the river Huner, to the junction of William's River abovementioned.

7. County of Hunter.

Bounded on the north by the river Hunter, the Goulburn, and a natural boun- dary, to be surveyed, between it and the County of Phillip. On the West by the dividing line which separates it from Roxburgh, On the South by the range which separates it from the counties of Cook and Northumberland. On the east by Wollombi Brook, to its junction with the Hunter.

8. County of Cook.

Bounded on the north-east by the lower branch of the Hawkesbury. On the north  by the rocky dividing range, extending east and west between the rivers Hunter and Hawkesbury, and forming the southern boundary of the County of Hunter. On the west by the range dividing the waters, to Honey-suckle-Hill; and thence to where the Mount Blaxland Road crosses Cox's River. On the south-west by Cox's River. On the East by the Warragamba, Nepean, and Hawkesbury, to the junction of the lower branch, as abovemantioned.

9. County of Westmoreland.

Bounded on the north-east by Cox's River, from its Junction with the Wollondilly to the station on the road to Mount Blaxland. On the North by that road to the Fish River, and by that river to its junction with the river Campbell. On the west by the Campbell to its source; and thence by a line of marked trees Burra Burra Lagoon. On the South by the river Guinecor, from Burr Burra Lagoon to its junction with the Wollondilly. On the east by the Wollondilly to the junction of Cox's River abovementioned.

10.  County of Argyle.

Bounded on the north by the river Guinecor, from its junction with the Wollondilly to its Source near Burra Burra Lagoon on the dividing range. On the west by the dividing range from Burra Burra, by Cullarin to Lake George, including the Three Bredalbane Plains. On the south by the northern margin of Lake George to Kenny's Station; from Lake George to the Alianoyonyiga Mountain, by a small gulley, descending to the lake; from Alianoyonyiga, by the ridge extending south-east to the hill of Wolowalar; and from Wolowolar by Boro Creek, to the Shoal-Haven river. On the East by the Shoal-Haven river, to the junction of the rivulet from Barber's; by the rivulet from Barber's to its source; across a narrow neck of land to the head of the Uringalla; by the Uringalla to its junction with the Wollondilly; and by the Wollondilly to the junction of the Guinecor abovementioned.

11. County of Murray.

Bounded on the north-east by Boro Creek from its Junction with the Shoal-Haven River, to its source in the hill of Wolowolar; by the range thence to Alianoyonyiga Mountain between Lake George and Lake Bathurst, and by a watercourse descending from that mountain to Lake George; by Lake George to the hollow in the bight near the middle of its western shore; and thence by a natural line, to be surveyed, extending towards the pic of Pabral. On the west by the mountains of Warragong. On the south by a range extending eastward from Mount Murray by Tindery or the Twins, and a line east from these pics to the Shoal-haven River. On the East by the Shoal Haven River to the junction of Boro Creek abovementioned.

12. County of King.

Bounded on the east by the County of Argyle, and the Northern Portion of the Western Shore of Lake George. On the south by the County of Murray. on the north and west by natural boundaries, to be surveyed.

13. County of Georgiana.

Bounded ou the north by the County of Bathurst. On the west by a natural line, to be surveyed. On the south by the County of King. On the east by the Counties of Argyle and Westmoreland.

14. County of Bathurst.

Bounded on the north-east by the river Campbell from Pepper Creek, and the river Macquarie to the Currigurra Rivulet. On the north-west by that rivulet, the Callalia Rivulet, and a Line of marked trees to the Molong River. On the west by that river, and a range of hills, named Panuara Range, to the Panuara Rivulet; and by the upper part of Limestone Creek from its junction with the Belubula. On the south by the road to Dunn's Plains, and by Pepper Creek to its junction with the river Campbell first mentioned.

15. County of Roxburgh.    

Bounded on the north-east by the dividing range from the head of the Capertee Rivulet, to that of the Cudjeegong River; and by the Cudjeegong River to a point fifteen miles above its junction with Lawson's Creek. On the north west by a line thence to the river Macquarie, at the northern angle of the County of Bathurst. On the south-west by the river Macquarie. On the south by the Fish River and the Mount Blaxland road, to the crest of the range which separates the waters of the Fish River from those of Cox's River. On the east by that range to the point over Capertee, as abovementioned.

16. County of Philip.

Bounded on the north by the river Goulburn. On the north-west by a natural line, to be surveyed, across the range to the Cudjeegong River. On the south-west by the Cudjeegong River to its source.   On the South-East by the north-western boundary of the County of Hunter.

17.County of Brisbane.

Bounded on the east by the river Hunter, and the western boundary of Durham. On the north by the great mountain range, the northern boundary of the Country at present prescribed for location to settlers.

On the west and south by the river Goulburn, which joins the Hunter near the south-western Angle of Durham.

l8. County of Bligh.

Bounded on the north by the range of mountains extending from Pandora's Pass, Westward, and forming the present prescribed boundary of the Colony. On the west by the western limit of the Colony. On the south-west by the Cudjeegong River to Waldrar Creek; and from Waldrar Creek, by a north-east line across the mountains, to the south-western angle of the County of Brisbane.

19.  County of Wellington.

Bounded on the north-east by the river Cudjeegong. On the west by the present boundary of the colony to the station at Wellington Valley. On the south-west by the river Macquarie to the Currigurra Rivulet. On the south-east by the boundary of Roxburgh.

Government Order No. 50. By His Excellency's Command,

Alexander M'Leay. Colonial Secretary's Office. Sydney. Oct. 14, 1829.