Capture of Bushrangers The Argus 7 August 1857
It appears that the police on hearing of the late outrage at Mullengandra, reported in our last, divided themselves
into parties, and went in pursuit of the offenders. On Sunday Corporal Xennett and Constable Morendy succeeded in coming up with the bushrangers, who
were preparing to camp near Jingellick. The party consisted of two men and a youth, and their names are James
Gordon, Thomas Brown, and John Jones. They carried two loaded double-barrelled
guns and a large bowie-knife, but offered no resistance when taken into
custody. On searching them the constable found the clothes and money taken from
Robertson, also two watches answering the description of the watches stolen
from two travellers near Hexham,
in Victoria, by three persons who tied their victims to trees, and there left
them. The men were brought into Albury on Thursday, and will appear before
the Bench as soon as the necessary witnesses can be collected. Border
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