Caution of
Unlawful Grazing The Australian 8
August 1827 |
Having had the authority of Government for the possession, of certain
Lands, situate between the Farms of Messrs. Shelley and Stuckey, on the East side of the Wollondilly, in
Argyle, and having, in consequence of the said land being overrun by great
numbers of cattle and sheep belonging to different persons, given notice that
such might be removed. Now, as Mr. Robert Howe, Printer and Publisher of the Sydney Gazette,
thought proper to doubt my right to the said land, by claiming, as set forth
in his advertisement; as also by a notice signed 'William Shelley' - since which Mr. Howe has had it intimated to
him that the land belongs to me;- I therefore again caution all persons from trespassing, put ting up
fences, huts, &c. on the said land, and immediately, to remove all cattle
and sheep, as are unlawfully grazing there, on pain of an immediate
prosecution being entered against them. Edmund Lockyer. Parramatta, Aug. 5, 1827. |