Claim to Grant of Land by William Shelly

The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser

26 April 1834

The Commissioners for hearing and determining upon claims to Grants of Land within the Colony of New South Wales, under the Act of the Governor and Council, 4th William IV., No. 9, do hereby give notice that the following to Claims have been filed with their Secretary:- to wit –


No. 210.

By William Shelly, gentleman, Grampian Hills, county of Argyle, to 165 Roods of Land, leased by Governor Macquarie to William Shelly for 21 years in the year 1812, described as follows;-

Situate on the eastern shore of Darling Harbour, in the township of Sydney, and parish of St. Philip, bounded on the south by Erskine-street, bearing east 15 degrees 115 feet from low water mark to an allotment assigned to Brown, on the east by that allotment, being a line north 15 degrees west 250 feet to low water mark, and on the other sides by Darling Harbour, containing 165 rods.
