Consumption of Timber The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 26 June 1803 |
Proclamation by His Excellency Philip Gidley King Esquire.
Captain-General And Governor In Chief In and Over His Majesty's Territory Of New
South Wales and Its Dependencies, &C &C. &C. The great consumption of timber, and the requisition made by
Government for as much as possible being reserved for the use of the Navy,
the following Regulations are to be observed by all and every His Majesty's
Subjects resident or stationed in this Territory, matters of ships, and all
others. Timber in this colony includes She and Swamp Oaks, Red Blue and
Black-butted Gums, Stringy and Iron Barks, Mahogany, Box, Honey Suckle,
Cedar, Light-wood, Turpentine, &c.
The property of all which and every other kind of trees fit for
timber, or likely to become so, lies in the proprietor of the land, either by
Grant or Lease, excepting timber fit for naval or other public purposes,
which those authorised by the Governor may mark,
cut down, and remove, in and from any situation public or private. Any person cutting down, barking, damaging, or destroying any timber
or trees, fit, or likely to become fit for ship building, buildings, masts,
or mechanical purposes, without the permission of the proprietor, or of the
Governor if on any of the Crown Lands, will be answerable to the laws
provided in that behalf, and according to the local situation of the
Inhabitants of this Colony. This regulation is not to preclude the inhabitants from getting such
fuel from fallen woods as they can remove with wheelbarrows, or carts drawn
by one horse, excepting fuel requisite for Government uses. Masters and Commanders of ships will be informed by the Naval Officer
where they may procure fuel for their ships; and those who may obtain the
Governor's and proprietor's permission to cut down and remove timber fit for
the foregoing purposes, or for sale at any other Port, are to pay a Duty of
three pounds Sterling to the Treasurer of the Orphan Fund for every thousand
solid feet taken on board, of which they are to give notice to the Measurer (
John Thompson ), as often as they receive it, and before it is hoisted into
the ship on pain of forfeiting Five Pounds sterling for each neglect, on conviction
before two Magistrates. This Regulation to commence from the 26th Day of June, 1803. |