Lands Beyond the Settled Districts The Sydney Morning
Herald 16 October 1848 |
To Leases Of Crown Lands Beyond The Settled Districts. (From The Government
Gazette.) Murrumbidgee District. Colonial
Secretary's Office, Sydney, September 30.- His Excellency the Governor
directs it to be notified, for the information of all persons interested,
that in pursuance of her Majesty's Order in Council, of the 9th March, 1847,
the undermentioned persons have demanded leases of
the several runs of Crown Land, particularised in connexion with their respective names. Persons who object to any of these claims, either
wholly or in part, should lodge caveats at this office within two months from
the present date, specifying the lands to which their objections extend, and
the grounds on which their objections are based. It
is to be distinctly understood that the Government does not pledge itself to
the issue of a lease in any case until due enquiry has been made into the
validity of the claim, and whether or not it may be necessary to reserve any
portion of the land claimed, for any of the public purposes contemplated in
the Order in Council. By His Excellency's command. E. Deas Thomson. No. 129. Osborne Henry. Name of run, Wagarababily.
Estimated area, twenty four thousand acres. Estimated grazing capabilities,
six hundred and forty cattle, four thousand sheep. Bounded
on the north by De Salis and Smith's run of Darbalara, commencing at the
junction of a creek with the Tumut River on the lagoon, and from thence to
the large lagoon at the foot of the range, and from thence by a range running
east and west to the Oak Creek; bounded on the east by that creek; on the
south by a dividing range to the cut road on the Tumut River, dividing it
from Keighran's run; and on the west by the Tumut
River for six miles from the cut road above referred to, the starting point
on the lagoon. 130. Osborne, Henry, Name of run. Bevokong
Mana Arnjoe or Old Man
Creek. Estimated area, four hundred and eighty thousand acres. Estimated
grazing capabilities, six hundred and forty cattle, twenty-two
thousand sheep. Bounded on the north by the Bullinbong
Creek, beginning at a marked line up the Bullinbong
from the junction with the Old Man Creek, then by the Old Man Creek from the
junction to a marked tree one mile below Jackson's waterhole, being ten
miles; on the west by a line south-west thirty-three miles from the marked
tree one mile below Jackson's waterhole to a marked tree on the Urana Creek, one mile and one thousand six hundred and
ninety-one yards above Chapman and Huon's hut; on
the south by a line north, north-east two and a half miles to the road from
Chapman's to Moongo, then by that road three and a
half miles to the western extremity of the long plain, then by the forest
skirting the long plain on its north side, about four miles to where the Moongo road leaves the plain at its eastern extremity,
then by a line from that point fifteen and a half east-south-east to Burke's
hut on the Urana; on the east by a line thirty-five
degrees east of north twenty-eight miles through the scrub to the east of the
Galore mountain to the marked tree on the Bullinbong
Creek seven miles above its junction with the Old Man Creek. 131. Osborne Henry. Name of run, Tootool.
Estimated area, thirty thousand seven hundred and twenty acres. Estimated
grazing capabilities, six hundred and forty cattle. Extending
along the both sides of the Bullinbong Creek for
eight miles in a straight line commencing at Messrs. Robertson and Davidson's
southern boundary; bounded on the north by Messrs. Robertson and Davidson's
line east and west, two miles above the bullenbong
but, two miles on the west side of the creek and four on the east side;
bounded on the south-east, and west three miles on each side of the creek,
and intersecting the creek five miles in a straight line above Tootool hut; bounded on the east by a straight line from
the eastern extremity of the northern boundary eight miles; bounded on the
west by a straight line from the western extremity of the southern boundary
to the western extremity of the northern boundary. 132. O'Brien Cornelius. Name of run, Cotway
or Agenbilly. Estimated area, nineteen thousand
acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, seven thousand sheep. Commencing
on a high rooky hill opposite Mrs. Kiley's hut on
the Murrumbidgee River, is bounded on the south by
said hill to a box tree marked on four sides on same range, und by a marked
line to a small creek, thence by a line running south-east to the Yellow
Creek, and continuing by that creek to its junction with the Oak Creek,
following the Oak Creek to a box tree marked on four sides, south-west by a
high rooky hill, thence by a marked line to the Adgenbilly
road, and following said road to the north end of the swamp, and thence by a
loading range to the Adjenbilly road; on the west
by the Adgenbilly Creek to a high hill near
Murphy's hut; on the north by a marked lino to the
Oak Crook, following said creek to the Dog-trap Crook, thence by a marked
line to the Adgenbilly road, the said road bearing
north to the Murrumbidgee River; and on the east by the Murrumbidgee River to
a high hill opposite Mrs. Kiley's hut before
mentioned. 133. Owen Robert (now Owen and Pring). Name of run, Mangoplar. Estimated area,
seventy-five thousand acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, twelve thousand
sheep. Boundary
commencing on the eastern side at Bourke Creek, where a high range abuts on
the said west-north-west to a spring known as the washing place two miles,
thence north-north-west along the said range to another spring one mile,
thence north west along the said range, passing one mile east-north-east of
Coffin Rock on to the ridge north of Rocky Fall Creek five miles, thence
west-north-west down the said ridge to Bourke Creek three miles, thence
south-south east up Bourke Creek to a marked tree on its western bank one
mile, thence west-south-west to a peak on the Bullock Bullock
Range one mile, north-north-west of its highest part five miles from the said
peak, south, west by south crossing Herring Creek, two miles below a lambing
station on the creek to the ridge south-west of a dry creek seven miles,
thence south by east up the said ridge to the head of the falls four miles,
then east by north along the head of the falls to the Dry Creek, Herring
Creek, Jim's Creek, and Bung-eye Creek to the Jerry Jerry
Road fire miles, thence south east along the head of the falls to Paper
Forest Creek, to the dividing range between Buckey
Flat and Paper Forest four miles and a half, thence north along the said
ridge to where a dray track crosses it, three miles, then north- north- east
down the said track to Bourke Creek one mile and a half, then cast by north
up Bourke Creek to where the above mentioned high range abuts on the creek
one and a half mile. N. B.- This run has been
transferred, with the sanction of the Government, to Messrs. Owen and Pring, in whose name the lease will accordingly be
prepared. 134. Peter John. Name of run, Gumly Gumly. Estimated area, thirty thousand seven hundred and
twenty acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, six thousand sheep. Gumly Gumly station
commences at its eastern corner at the junction of Kyamba
Creek with the Murrumbidgee, including the Kyamba
Island, immediately opposite the junction of the said
creek with the Murrumbidgee, where the river divides, running along the
northern branch of the river so as to include the island and past its
junction with the main stream five miles in a direct due west line (sinuosities not included) to a marked tree line boundary
at Mr. Best's station, Wagga Wagga,
which forms the western corner on the bank of the Murrumbidgee, from thence
along this marked tree line for two miles running due south to the point of
Best's range, from thence for one mile in a line south-west to two waterholes
in the Stringybark Creek, one of which waterholes it includes from thence for
one mile in a line south south-east to the Swampy Plain, from thence for half
a mile in a line due west to the back of a creek called the Stringybark
Spring Creek, following the Stringybark Spring Creek up to its head about
four miles, passing the springs in which it takes its rise, to a gap in the
range immediately above the springs; from this point along the ridge of a
leading range in a general south-east line for seven miles to a point joining
its south corner, from thence along the top of a leading range running in a
general north east line for ten miles, striking upon the Kyamba
Creek about four miles above its junction with the Murrumbidgee, which creek
it follows to its junction, where the eastern boundary corner commences as
described above. 135. Peter John. Name of run, Ugoble
Station. Estimated area, one hundred thousand eight hundred acres. Estimated
grazing capabilities, eight thousand sheep. Ugoble station commences at a marked tree on a small
creek on the bank of the river, forming the western boundary of Mr. Gordon's
station, following the river in a direct line for ten miles and a half
(exclusive of sinuosities) to a marked tree at a
large lagoon on the roadside leading to Shepherd's old hut, and by a plough
furrow at Shepherd's present hut and stockyard from this point, forming its
north-west corner, running in a line due south for twenty miles to a point
forming its south-west corner, from thence in a line due east ten miles and a
half to a point forming its south-east corner, from thence along Mr. Gordon's
boundary for twenty miles due north to the riverbank to the marked tree
forming the eastern corner of the run as described above. 136. Peter John. Name of run, Sandy Creek. Estimated area,
twenty-three thousand and forty acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, three
thousand six hundred sheep. Sandy
Creek station commences from a point in the gap of the range immediately
above the Stringybark springs mentioned in the description of Gumly Gumly station, at its
western corner on a line south-south-west for six and a half miles to a point
on the summit of a range bounding Mr. Owen's and
Wall's stations, from thence along the top of the range in a south-east
direction for six and a half miles to an eminence called Survey Hill, from
thence along the top of the said range two miles in a direction north-east by
east to a point forming the south corner of the station, from thence in a line
running north-north-east for five miles until it strikes upon the south
corner of the Gumly Gumly
station. 137. Pearce Matthew. Name of run, Howlong.
Estimated area, sixty- four thousand acres. Estimated grazing capabilities,
one thousand five hundred cattle. The
Howlong run is a dead level, presenting no
geographical gestures, but bounded on the south by the Murray River; on the
east by Lester run and the Major's Waterholes; on the west by Ireland's run;
and on the north by an undefined boundary. 138. Purtill
and Carmody. Name of run. Mountain Creek. Estimated area,
twenty square miles. Estimated grazing capabilities, six hundred and forty
cattle. Bounded
by Mr. Harrett's run on the west; on the north by Billybong Creek; on the east by the Port Phillip road; by
the same road on the north. 136. Post John (per Post and Keane). Name of run, Cooardinia.
Estimated area, fifteen thousand six hundred and sixty acres. Estimated
grazing capabilities, one thousand cattle. Bounded
on the east by the Back Creek and Mr. Whitty's
station, being a line of about six miles north; on the north by Mr. Bell's
station, being a line of about four miles west; on the west by Cooardinia Range and Messrs. Osborne and Crichton's
station, being a line of about six miles south, and on the south by Mr. Harret's station and plain being a line of about four
miles east. 140. Phillips and Graves. Name of run, Warbracum.
Estimated area, fifty thousand acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, ten
thousand sheep. Commencing
at the south-west corner of Benjamin Boyd's Deniliquin
run, and bounded on the east by a line bearing north ten degrees east ten
miles and sixty chains to the river Edward; this line forming a portion or B.
Boyd's Deniliquin western boundary; thence by the
south bank of the said Edward River to its junction with the Yallakool Creek, (our boundary with O. Craig,) thence to
a marked tree on the said creek, thence by a line
bearing south-easterly to another marked tree on tho
Wackool Creek, (our boundary with E. J. Hogg,)
thence by a line at right-angles with said creek until it intersects a line
running west from the starting point. 141. Percival Thomas. Name of run, Brungle
Creek. Estimated area, one thousand two hundred and eighty acres. Estimated
grazing capabilities, fifty cattle. Bounded
on the west by the Brungle Creek, two miles, which
separates my run from the run belonging to the estate of the late W. Shelley;
on the north one mile, which line divides my run from land in dispute between
Mr. De Salis and Keighrun;
on the east by a tier of ranges, known as Brungle
Creek Ranges; on tho south by Ned Hughes' Creek. 142. Messrs. Redfern
and Alexander. Name of
run, Moroca. Estimated area, sixty-four thousand
acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, two thousand three hundred cattle. This
run has a south frontage to the river Murray of ten miles; on the north it is
bounded by Mr. Benjamin Boyd's run, the boundary as settled by the
commissioner being a creek running nearly parallel to the river at a
distance, more or less, of ten miles, and called the Tuppal;
on the west it is bounded by Mr. M'Laurin's run,
called Conella, the boundary being a line running
north from the river to the back boundary, passing a marked tree in the
centre of a hill called the Boundary Sand Hill; on the east it is bounded by
Mr. Barber's run, called the Molka, the boundary
being a line running north, commencing from a tree marked R on the river
bank, and thence along a belt of timber to the Tuppal
or back boundary line. 143. Robinson James. Name of run, Copabella
Creek. Estimated area, nineteen thousand acres. Estimated grazing
capabilities, seren hundred and fifty cattle, or
five thousand sheep. Bounded
on the north by the dividing range between the Murrumbidgee and Murray
rivers; on the south by the Rocky creek; on the east by the Mannus range; and on the west by Mr. Vyner's
cattle run. 144. Russell William. Name of run, Bunbilling.
Estimated area, sixteen thousand acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, four
hundred cattle. On the east by the Murrumbidgee river; on the south by the
same river; on the north by Crown land; on the west by Crown land; about a
mile from the road to Twofold Bay, which road lies to the east, and about ten
miles south-west of the Pindra mountains. 145. Rourke Thomas. Name of run, Bolero. Estimated
area, three thousand two hundred acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, five
hundred cattle, three thousand sheep. This
run is situated in Bolero, in the district of Monera,
and bounded on the northerly, westerly, and southerly sides by the Murrumbidgee,
opposite to Barrett's, Moat's, and Hall's stations; and on the east by a
creek called the Back Creek, which separates the run from Mr. Bradley's
station. 146. Rudd James. Name of run, Wogangobiramby.
Estimated area, forty thousand three hundred and twenty acres. Estimated
grazing capabilities, six hundred and forty cattle, or four thousand sheep. Bounded
on the north by the Murrumbidgee River seven miles; on the west by R. P. Jenkin's Broweroner eight
miles; on the south by Crown Lands seven miles; on the east by John Bray,
Berry Jerry, ten miles, sixty three sections, or forty thousand three hundred
and twenty acres, one fourth or ten thousand acres scrub; this includes the
Old Man Creek, occupied by Henry Osborne. 147. Robertson and Davidson. Name of run, Bullenbung.
Estimated area, twenty-two thousand four hundred acres. Estimated grazing
capabilities, one thousand cattle. Extending
along both sides of the Bullenbung Creek for nearly
seven miles, commencing four miles and sixteen chains below the Bullenbung hut and ending two and three-quarter miles
above the hut; bounded on the south by a line east and west two miles on the
west side of the creek and four on the east; bounded on the north by a line
east south-east and west north-west two miles on the west side of the creek
and four on the east; bounded on the east by a straight line from the eastern
extremity of the southern boundary to the eastern extremity of the northern
boundary five and a half miles; bounded on the west by a straight line from
the western extremity of the southern boundary to the western extremity of
the northern boundary seven miles and twenty-four chains; bounded by Mr.
Osborne's lands on the south, and by Mr. Bray's on the north. 148. Richards Thomas. Name of run, Oppossum's
Point, Estimated area, nine thousand six hundred acres. Estimated grazing
capabilities, six hundred and forty cattle. Bounded
by a line proceeding from the junction of the Oppossum
Point Creek with the Tooma river, ascending this
creek, bounding Gregrek easterly five miles to the
summit of Jacombee Range, thence along this range
north six miles to the Tooma river, and thence
south-westerly down the Tooma to the point
hereinbefore first mentioned. 149. Scott Charles. Name of run, Glenken.
Estimated area, forty-nine thousand nine hundred and twenty acres. Estimated
grazing capabilities, one thousand cattle. Bounded
on the east by Hase's run, (Walerogang)
near a steep creek running into Hume River, near an island; on the west by
the Gengellick run (Reid's station) to a leading
range coming into the river, close to the Gengellick
run; on the south by the river Hume, thirteen miles river frontage; and on
the north by the Mannus ranges, six miles back from
the river. The country is very mountainous and covered in many parts with a
thick scrub. 150. Shaw George. Name of run, Currabunganung.
Estimated area, forty-four thousand eight hundred acres. Estimated grazing
capabilities, eight thousand sheep. Commencing
at the junction of the Yanco and Billabong Creeks,
and running thence south ten miles; and bounded on the west by the Conargo run, than in a line running east about eleven
miles; and bounded on the south by unclaimed lands of the Crown; thence in a
line running north across the Billabong and Yanco
Creeks seventeen miles, and bounded on the east partly by Burchetts
run, and partly by a run supposed to be in the occupation of Mr. Wentworth;
thence in a line running west eight miles, and bounded on the north by
unclaimed lands of the Crown; thence in a line running south to a marked tree
on the Yanco Creek, and bounded on the west by the Connargoo run aforesaid; thence in a south-westerly
direction along the Yanco Creek to the commencing
point or junction with the Billabong Creek, and bounded towards the
north-west by the said creek. 151. Supple Patrick. Name of run, Grubbin.
Estimated area, twenty-one thousand one hundred and twenty acres. Estimated
grazing capabilities, five hundred cattle. Bounded
up Aaron Creek five miles, to Mr. Owen's run, from
my hut down the creek half a mile to Vincent's run; at the back of hut about
three miles to Keighan and Eggile's
runs; front of hut about three miles to the Range or Hanging Rock. 152. Sawyer and Dean. Name of run, Mount Adra.
Estimated area, ten thousand two hundred and forty acres. Estimated grazing
capabilities, five hundred and fifty cattle. Bounded
by Yan tree, north-west marked tree; Adalong and Nacky Nacky east; Nacky Nacky Creek south marked
tree; Yeven Yeven Creek
south-west. 153. Shelly Wm., estate of, (per
Susannah M. Shelley.)
Name of run, Bumbowlee. Estimated area,
twenty-seven thousand acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, one thousand two
hundred cattle, or nine thousand sheep. Bounded
on the west by the Tumut River, commencing half a mile below Mundongaldgee hut, extending along the Tumut River to the
lower end of Cockatoo; then by a tier of ranges running over to a creek
called Kilmacat, crossing that creek one mile below
Shelly's Kilmacat sheep station; on the north by
the Pine Mountain and Wianga Range; on the east by
two miles of the Brangle Creek, commencing at the
Black Swamps; then by a tier of ranges extending to a flat called the Spring
Sheep station; on the south a line of hills, and ranges, which separate the
run from Broughton's and Whitty's runs. 154. Shelley George Name of run, Tumut Plains. Estimated
area, twenty thousand acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, nine hundred
cattle, or four thousand sheep. Bounded
on the north by Goubara- gandra
Creek for eight miles; on the west by the Tumut River to where the Blowering Mountain comes into the river; on the south by Blowering Mountain, which separates my
run from Whitty's; on the east by the Bongong Mountains. 155. Swift John. Name of run, Coradigby.
Estimated area, ten thousand acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, six
hundred and forty cattle. Bounded on the east side Mr. Bailey's side line of
his granted ground; south Oakey Creek to the Little
River; west by the Little River to the junction of the same; north Murrumbidgee,
opposite Cave Flat, occupied by myself, being but one portion of my run. 156. Stuckey Henry. Name of run, Tumblong.
Estimated area, twenty thousand acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, five
hundred cattle. Ranges
and forest ground (Murrumbidgee river and dividing ranges between Tumut river
and Murrumbidgee); bounded on the east by the Big Ben Creek to the falls of
the Big Ben Tumut river five miles; west by the Adelong Creek three miles;
north by the Murrumbidgee two miles; south by the Adelong Creek three miles.
Adjacent lands - Mr. Tooth's on the east; R. P. Jenkins, Esq., west; Mr.
Peter Stuckey north; Mr. Johnson south. 157. Stuckey Peter. Name of run, Willie Plumah. Estimated area, sixty thousand acres. Estimated
grazing capabilities, five hundred cattle and eight thousand sheep. On the north and east by the Murrumbidgee
river, commencing at the junction of the Tumut with that river downwards
(with the exception of the land marked out by the government for the township
of South Gundagai) to an imaginary boundary line about one mile to the north
of Adelong Creek, running from the Murrumbidgee river to the Port Phillip
road, then by that road to where it crosses the Adelong Creek, on the west by
the Adelong Creek upwards to an imaginary boundary line between the Messrs.
Johnston's and my run; and on the south by an imaginary boundary line running
from the Adelong Creek to the junction of the Tumut and Murrumbidgee rivers,
and dividing my run from those of Messrs. Johnston, Broughton, and Tooth. 158. Stuckey Peter, junior. Name of run, Mathara.
Estimated area, sixty thousand acres, Estimated grazing capabilities, fifteen
hundred cattle. Bounded
on the north by a line running west for about ten miles from a marked tree on
the river, at the junction of ,the Gulpha Creek
with the Edward, which line forms the south boundary of Mr. Boyd's Deniliquin run; bounded on the south by a marked line
running west from the Red Bank Gulph Creek for
about ten miles, which line forms Messrs. Lowe's and Throsby's north boundary;
bounded on the east by the Edward River, which stream forms Mr. James M'Laren's west boundary line, and bounded on the west by
a line. 159. Smyth and De Salis,
per L. F. De Salis. Name of run, Darbalar.
Estimated area, forty thousand acres, Estimated grazing capabilities, two
hundred cattle, ten thousand sheep. Bounded
on the north by the river Morumbidgee upwards, from
its junction with the Tumut, to a main gully about a quarter of a mile west
from Leggin's house; thence joining the runs of Leg
gins, Quilter, Luff, and T. Howe, by the said gully
to the summit of the dividing range between the Morumidgee
and Adjinbilly Creek; thence along the summit of
the dividing range till the line meets the Gobarralong
road; thence down the said road to the Adjinbilly
Creek, thence up the said creek till it touch on
the extreme southern boundary of T. Howe's run one mile above Murphy's
residence; thence up and along the said boundary to the summit of the
dividing range between the Oak and Adjinbilly
Creeks; thence southward joining with C. O'Brien's along the said summit till
meet the Black range; thence down the ridge of the Black range to the Adjinebilly Creek; thence across the said
creek, and joining Mr. Fergusson's, up the main arm of the Rocky Creek to the
Red Hills, whence down the ridge jutting opposite the woolshed of Captain M'Donald on the Adjinebilly
Creek: thence up the said creek to the first
range-spur of the Shaking Boy; thence joining Messrs. C. and A. Macdonnell, along the ridge to the summit of the dividing
range between the Adjinebilly and Tumut waters;
thence northward by a line along the summit till it meet the head of the
creek upon which Fitzgerald resides; thence down the said
creek till its junction with the Spring Creek; thence joining Kiley's, up to the said Spring Creek to a point such that
a line running due west shall pass through another point half a mile north of
Cox's old residence on Brungal Creek; from Spring
Creek along the said line to Brungal Creek, joining
in part on Perceval's; thence joining Keighran's
down Brungal Creek to the gully between the Bald
and Stockyard Hills; thence up the said gully across the gap, and down the
corresponding gully to that Oak Creek, which springs from the Kangaroo
ground; thence up the said Oak Creek to a point half a mile south of the old
sheep station near the waterholes; thence joining Osborne's, along Osborne's
road to the summit of the Big Hill Range; thence along the summit till it
join the range which divides the Blind Creek from other waters; thence along
the summit to the main gully leading down the green arm at the head of the Durilalura Lagoon; thence down the said gully to
Osborne's fence on the said Lagoon; thence along this fence to the River
Tumut, and thence down the Tumut till its junction with the Murrumbidgee. 160. Smith Matthew. Name of run, Bownyan
Creek, (Hume River.) Estimated area, sixteen thousand acres. Estimated
grazing capabilities, five hundred cattle. Commences
at the south-west corner of Henry Calder's station on the Hume River, running
five miles north and five miles west and five miles south, opposite junction
of the Little River, and bounded by the river to the said south-west comer of
Henry Calder's station. 161. Sinclair James. Name of run, Chitdowla.
Estimated area, twenty-five thousand acres. Estimated grazing capabilities,
eight hundred cattle. Bounded
on the north and west by a line the Murrumbidgee River to a marked tree in
the Yellow Clay Creek, dividing from J. Sheehan's; on the west and south-west
by a range dividing the waters of the Parson's Creek, and Meetchain's
Creek; on the south, and by a line extending from the most easterly point of
the Forest Hill, to the head of Poppet Creek; on the east by a high range
dividing from Coradlgban, and by the Murrumbidgee
on the north-east. The run is entirely mountainous, and partly impassable. 162. Sharp James Burleigh. Name of run, Greenhills.
Estimated area, twenty-three thousand acres. Estimated grazing capabilities,
one thousand two hundred cattle. Bounded
on the north by a marked tree line commencing at the head of a gully on the
main range dividing the Adelong and Nacka Nacka
Creeks, and running west one mile; thence bearing north half a mile, (having
had Moore and Johnsons run on the right,) thence running westerly from the
head of the Dogtrap Flat Creek, and following that
creek to where it empties in a small flat; thence by the marked tree line to
the Nacka Nacka Swamp, which it crosses at the
Basin point; thence to Darlow's Creek, which it
crosses at its junction with the Sod-hut Creek; thence by the marked tree
line which leads to the top of the range between Darlow's
Creek and the Billupulap Creek, (having had Mr.
Charles Macarthur's run, Ellerslie, on the right,)
and which range constitutes the boundary between the Greenhills
and Mr. Griffiths's run of Billupulap;
this range on the western and the Adelong dividing range above mentioned, on
the eastern side, followed down until they meet to the south, (enclosing all
the falls into the Nacka Nacka and Darlow's Creeks,) comprise the boundaries to the east,
west, and south. 163. Severne
Edward. Name of run, Gudgenby. Estimated area, fifteen thousand acres.
Estimated grazing capabilities, one thousand cattle. The run lies about
fifteen miles in a westerly direction from Mr. Tennant, is distant
thirty-nine miles from Queanbeyan; the run is
generally heavily timbered, and a large extent is composed of morass; it is
bounded naturally on all sides by sundry nameless ranges. 164. Stockwell
John. Name of run,
Gilmore Creek. Estimated area, three thousand eight hundred and forty acres.
Estimated grazing capabilities, two hundred cattle. Bounded
on the south by the Gilmore Creek; on the west by a marked tree line dividing
the run of Robert Downie, for about one mile, and the
said line continuing for about two miles north of the terminus of Robert Downie's line; on the east by the Tumut River, from its
junction with the Gilmore Creek running three miles due north; on the north
by a marked tree line extending from a tree marked on the bank of the Tumut
River to a marked tree where the west line terminates north forming a square
block. 165. Tooth John. Name of run, Manelgingagell.
Estimated area, ona hundred and sixty thousand
acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, seven hundred cattle. Bounded
on the north by the Murrumbidgee River; on the east by station of W. Guise;
on the south by government lands; on the west by another station called Penensey, licensed to said John
Tooth. 166. Tooth John, estate of, per George King. Name of run, Tarrabandra. Estimated area, seventeen thousand nine
hundred and twenty acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, five hundred
cattle. Bounded
on the east by the river Tumut; on the south by Cocup
Flat; on the west by the William Plomer Range; on
the north by another licsnsed station called Bendenderra. 167. Tooth John, estate of, per George King. Name of run, Bendenderra. Estimated area, twelve thousand eight huudred acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, four
hundred cattle. Bounded
on the east by the River Tumut, on the north by the river Murrumbidgee; on
the west by part of Willie Plomer range and the
station of Mr. Peter Stuckey; on the south by another licensed station of Mr.
John Tooth, called Tarrabandria. 168. Throsby Charles. Name of run, Warcoal
Creek. Estimated area, thirty thousand acres. Estimated grazing capabilities,
five hundred cattle, six thousand sheep. Twelve
miles in length, on each side of Mayoul Creek;
bounded on the north by Messrs. Gwynn's southern boundary; on the east by Mr.
Hogg's Womea station on the same creek; on the
south by the run lately licensed to Messrs. Lewes and Throsby; on the west by
Mr. Green's eastern boundary. 169. Taylor Samuel. Name of run, Tarmas.
Estimated area, sixteen thousand acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, nine
hundred and forty cattle. Bounded
on the west by the Cavan line granted to Edward
Riley, five miles; on the south by the said Cavan
line of Edward Riley's grant, five miles; on the east by the Cavan road by the track to the Cavan
paddock, five miles; and on the south by the Murrumbidgee River, five miles. 170. Troy Nicholas, per Toole and Troy. Name of run, Kiamba
creek. Estimated area, ten thousand two hundred and forty acres. Estimated
grazing capabilities, five hundred cattle, one
thousand two hundred sheep. On the north by a main range that divides it
from Alexander McLeay's station; on the west by the Bellathorpe
road, extent four miles, and divides it from John Peter's; on the south by
Walker's station; on the east by the said scrubby range separating it from
Mate's station; there were formerly marked boundaries between the said
stations, leaving the land now applied for as neutral. 171. Therry
Reverend J. J. Name of
run, Billabong. Estimated area, fifty thousand acres. Esti-
mated grazing capabilities, three thousand cattle. Bounded
on the east by stations occupied at pre- sent by Jeffrey and by Robinson; on
the west by Whitty's head station and the Billabong
creek; on the north by a sheep station of Whitty's
near the Four-mile creek, which creek is on the Very Rev. John Joseph Therry's station; and on the south by Mr. David M'Kenzie's and Mr. T. H. Bardwell's stations, taking in
the large swamp on the Ten Mile creek, on which creek is a hut erected by the
Reverend J. J. Therry; the eastern line being near
twelve miles long, commencing at the head of the Ten Mile creek, and runs in
a northerly direction to the Four Mile creek, the northern line is about
eight miles long to the Port Phillip road. 172. Terry John, estate of, per Eleanor
Terry. Name of run. Corradigby. estimated area,
sixteen thousand acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, five hundred cattle.
Upon the Little river. Bounded
on the north by Dutton's grant of two thousand fire hundred and sixty acres
extending five miles; on the west five miles; on the south five miles to the
river at a limestone range, known as Lewis's boundary with the Corradigdy run; and on the east about five miles by the
Little river to the starting point. 173. Vyner
Frederick Wheeler, Name
of run, Mungilidginula. Estimated area, twelve
thousand acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, six hundred cattle or four
thousand sheep. On
the north and east by the Tumut river; on the south by a marked tree line
run- ning into the Tumut ranges, which marked tree
line separates my run from Thomas M'Alister's; on
the west by a dry creek which runs into the Tumut river at the police
establishment, which divides mine from Shelley's run. 174. Vincent Isaac, (per Elizabeth
Vincent,) Name of run, Mittagong. Estimated area, one hundred square miles.
Estimated grazing capabilities, five hundred cattle, four
thousand sheep. The
run extends along the Mittagong Creek four miles in
the direction of the late station of Mr. M'Kenzie,
and up the dry bed of the creek to a place called Davies' Waterhole where it
joins Mr. Edgehille's boundary; it extends up the Ayan Creek to within half a mile of Mr. Supple's house, where Mr. Supple's
run begins; the boundary on the side of Mr. Walls intersects midway a line
drawn from Mrs. Vincent's house to Mr. Wall's house; but it is particularly
noticed, that Mrs. Vincent's boundary includes a place called the Dry Swamp;
on the other side of the Mitta gong Creek: the run extends backwards about
four miles including the dry bed of a creek called Giningin,
and the boundary on that side between Mr. M'Kenzie's
late station and it is the scrub on the top of M'Kenzie's
Big Plain at the head of the run; the run extends half way to the station
called the Urengelline; another station of Mr.
Osborne's -say seven miles. 175. Vardy John. Name of run, Eughranna.
(Worarma?) Estimated area, fifteen thousand acres.
Estimated grazing capabilities, seven hundred cattle. Bounded
by Eughranna Creek on the north; one Neil occupying
the opposlto side of the creek; then running for
one mile easterly up the creek until it meets the westerly boundary of
Messrs. Paul Huon and William Chapman's run; thence
running southerly for five miles to barren country; bounded by this barren
country on the south; and on the west by a swamp until it joins Eughranna Creek; and up this creek easterly until it
comes to my hut, aboat two miles from the swamp. 176. Whitty J.
C. and H., (now J. C. Whitty.) Name of run, Blowering.
Estimated area, twenty-five thousand acres. Estimated grazing capabilities,
six hundred and forty cattle. North
side bounded by Mr. Shelly's grant of land (Mr. Rose) and M'Alister's
marked line by Commissioner; south Mr. Wilkinson's marked line and Tumut
River; east high chain of mountains; west dividing chain of mountains, N.B.- This run has been transferred, with the sanction of the
Government, to J. C. Whitty, in whose name the
lease will accordingly be prepared. 177. Whitty J.
C. and H., (now J. C. Whitty,)
Name of run, Lacmalack. Estimated area, twelve
thousand eight hundred acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, two thousand
five hundred sheep. North
the estate of the late William Shelly, marked line by Commissioner; south Goberagundera river; east the estate of the late William
Shelly and marked lines of Commissioner; west small range leading from J.
Terry's creek to junction of the Tumut and Goberangundera
rivers. N.B.-- This run has been transferred, with
the sanction of the Government, to J. C. Whitty, in
whose name the lease will accordingly be prepared. 178. Whitty J.
C. and H. (now J. C. Whitty). Name of run, Billybong.
Eitimated area, sixty-two thousand acres. Estimated
grazing capabilities, one thousand cattle, six
thousand sheep. North
Mr. M'Lay’s sheep stations and a marked line south
Ten-mile Creek and high ranges dividing from the Reverend Mr. Therry's run; east Reverend Mr. Therry's
run and high ranges; west Mr. Harriott's run and
marked line. This run has been transferred, with the sanction of the
government, to J. C. Whitty, in whose name the lease will accordingly he prepared. 179. Walker William and Co. Name of run, Kyeamba.
Estimated area, sixteen thousand acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, one
hundred and sixty thousand sheep. Commencing
on the Kyeamba Creek, at a point formed by the
junction of an unnamed creek with the Kyeamba
Creek, situated eleven miles and a half north-west by north of the buildings
of the head station, and bounded on the north by the said unnamed creek,
bearing east by south to Mate's boundary on the top of the range dividing the
waters of the Tarcutta from those of the Kyeamba, then along that range until due west of the
Rocky Waterhole in Mate's Creek, then by a straight line to that waterhole;
then by a line Hombang old stockyard, then by a
line (crossing Hombango at Billy Owen's waterhole) to the falls of the Oburne
Creek where Bardwell's boundary joins; on the east by dividing ranges of Oburn's Creek occupied by Bardwell and others; on the
south by the range di- viding the Hombango and the Mannis waters
to a marked tree on the old Mannis Road ten miles
and three - quarters from the American Yard; thence to another tree marked,
the main creek as a boundary between this run and Campbell's, six and a half
miles from the American yard, then by a straight line to Mitchell's boundary
on the marked tree gully, and then to a marked tree on little Billy Bong
Creek, one mile south of Ford's public-house, then round Ford's paddock and
up a dry creek, which separates this from McLeay's run; on the west by the
dividing ranges of Bourke's Creek to Livingstone's Creek, and down that creek
until past a large hill near Cox's hut, then by way of the Sugar Loaf to a
tree marked as a boundary between this and Mr. Peter's run; then to the Kyeamba Creek, at about half a mile above Troy's hut, and
then down the Kyeamba Creek to a point opposite the
commencing point first above mentioned, situated eleven and a half miles
north-west by north of the Kyeamba head station
buildings. 180. Walker Wm. and Co. Name of run, Jellingroo.
Estimated area, twenty-five thousand acres. Estimated grazing capabilities,
four thousand sheep. Commencing
on the left bank of the Murrumbidgee River at the termination of a stoney range, not far from Mr. Hillas's
station, called Yabtree, and bounded on the north
by that river, from the said commencing point upwards to the junction of the
Oak creek with the said river; on the east by the said Oak creek from the
river upwards, which creek separates this run from Mr. Jenkin's
run, called Bangus; on the south by a range running
from the head of the Oak creek to Hillas' creek
down to the spur of a range near to the dirty bedding place; on the west by
marked trees up the said spur to the main range, which divides the waters of
the creek from those of the river round to the terminating point of the stoney range, abutting on the river Murrumbidgee which
formed the commencing corner. 181. Warton
Joseph, (now William Conley.) Name of run, Mullinjandray. Estimated area,
seventeen thousand three hundred and sixty acres. Estimated grazing capabilities,
six hundred and forty cattle and four thousand sheep. Bounded
on the east side by Mr. Morris's run, the determined line between these runs
are starting from - stockyard known as Fowler's and Dutton's old stockyard
bearing east eight miles, from the same stockyard bearing south for a
distance of three miles or thereabouts, to the Three-mile Creek, having as a
frontage the Mullinjandray Creek for the whole
distance to the Three-mile, Creek, which is the boundary between the Mullinjandray and Cumberuna run,
being the southern boundary of the former run running through the Wattle
Flat, and having a frontage of Fowler's Swamp. N.B.-This run has been
transferred, with the sanction of the government, to Mr. William Conley, in
whose name the lease will accordingly be prepared. 182. Wilkinson John. Name of run, Yellowin.
Estimated area, twenty-fire square miles. Estimated grazing capabilities, six
hundred cattle. Bounded
on the south by the Tumut River; on the north, east, and west, by lofty
ranges. 183. West Frank. Name of run, Buna Buck Buck, (Adelong!) Estimated area, thirteen thousand acres.
Estimated grazing capabilities, four thousand five hundred sheep. Buna
Buck Buck is bounded on the north by the Mingery range, dividing it from Peter Stuckey's station; on
the east by the Messrs. Broughton's station; on the south by a range known as
the Wandalgee to the Adelong Creek; and on the west
by the Adelong Creek dividing it from David Johnston's station. 184. Woore
Thomas, Name of run, Beewinwira. Estimated area, ninety-six thousand acres.
Estimated grazing capabilities, three thousand cattle. Bounded on the south
by the Murray River; on the west by Mr. Hilla's
run; on the north undetermined; and on the east by Mr. Hilla's
land. 185. Webb George. Name of run, Tidbinbilla Estimated
area, twenty-five square miles. Estimated grazing capabilities, eight hundred
cattle. Bounded
on the west by the Tidbinbilly ranges; bounded on
the east by Paddy's River; southward by a stream called Gibraltar River;
northward by a creek called the Hurdle Creek. The occupants of adjacent lands
are Mr. Cunningham, Congwarra, Mr. Davis, Barroomba, and Mr. Herbert, Naas Creek. 186. Webb Gabbett, Name of run, Bogalegera.
Estimated area, six hundred acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, seventy
cattle, three hundred sheep. The
river Tumut from a paddock fence, (which comes into the river bank, and which
fence is there the boundary between my run and Vyner,)
to a hut of G. Shelley's, which is close to the river at the other extremity
of my run, from said hut a marked tree line made by Mr. Bingham, and which
goes from the hut to a creek, called the Rocky Creek; divides my run from Shelley's from this
point on Rocky Creek; my boundary line dividing me from Vyner
is as follows, viz.:-- a marked tree line of Mr. Bingham's across the range
to the river flat and terminating there at a marked tree; from this marked
true my boundary from Vyner is made by my own
paddock fencing and terminates at the river at the point where this
description commenced. 187. Wentworth W. C. (now John Black). Name of run, Tala.
Estimated area, two hundred thousand acres. Estimated grazing capabilities,
one thousand five hundred cattle and thirty thousand sheep. Bounded
upon the east by a line running south from the river Murrumbidgee, and
commencing from a lagoon called Condoora, about
five miles above the junction of the Lachlan with the Murrumbidgee, and
adjoining a run held by Mr. George Hobler; bounded
on the west by a line running south and commencing at the river Murrumbidgee,
from a marked tree about thirteen miles from the junction of the Murrumbidgee
and Murray, and forming a boundary with Mr. John Scott's run; the river
frontage is about forty miles in length, its general direction being
north-east and south-west, and the side lines extend back about eight miles.
N.B.-This run has been transferred, with the sanction of the government, to
Mr. John Black, in whose name the lease will accordingly be prepared. 188. Wright James. Name of run, Cuppacumbalong.
Estimated area, fiftetn thousand acres. Estimated
grazing capabilities, twelve hundred cattle, or seven thousand sheep. Bounded
on the east by the River Murrumbidgee, from the Bald Hill Creek to Conlan's Corner, for four-fifths of the distance the
river is inaccessible; upon the north from Mr. M'Quoid's
run by a line of marked trees; upon the west from Mr. Davis' run by Paddy's
Creek and the north spur of Mount Tenant from Mr. Herbert's run by the south
spur of Mount Tenant, and for a short distance by Gudgenby
Creek; upon the south-east from Mr. Chippendales run by the Nels Mountains to the Bald Hill Creek, thus almost
forming an obtuse angle, of which the Murrum- bidgee River is the base. 189. Wall James Egan. Name
of run, Hanging Rock. Estimated area, one hundred and two thousand four
hundred acres. Estimated grazing capabilities, seven thousand sheep. Open
forest land for sixteen miles on the Creek known as Bank's Creek, five miles
on each side of the same; of the above sixteen miles nine miles are above
(eastward) of the Hanging Rock, and seven miles below (westward of same.) |