Expedition towards the
Murray from Adelaide South
Australian Register 22 June 1839 |
The Surveyor General started on Monday on an
expedition towards the Murray [from Adelaide]. We believe, the
principal object of his journey is to inspect the boundaries of the numerous
special surveys in that direction, preparatory to their being surveyed, and
to lay down a line of road in that direction. The drays, &c., started on Saturday, in
charge of Mr. Calder, one of the surveyors. Mr Gould, the celebrated South Australian
ornithologist, accompanied the Surveyor General, and we have no doubt, will
add greatly to the Natural History of the colony. An extensive stockholder in the vicinity of Yass
is about sending five thousand sheep overland to South Australia. It is calculated that the journey from the
former to the latter place, with sheep and cattle, can be performed in
two months, providing the season is not unfavourable.
Australian, May 14. |