The Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser
22 April 1858
The Murrumbidgee - The S.M. Herald's correspondent writes:- "The whole of the land lying between the Murrumbidgee and the
Murray was about to be enclosed; the boundaries between the different
stations were to be securely fenced, at cost to the occupants of these
stations of fully £100,000. Two steam engines have already arrived on the property of the
enterprising Cadell, for the purpose of sawing and
boring the posts and rails. The whole of this pastoral area, upon which are
settled some of the oldest and most enterprising of the colonists have fought
their way in this district would have been enclosed. Of course the great work referred to will be immediately stopped; the
occupants of those runs would not be mad enough to spend four or five
thousand pounds each on land, the tenure of which depends upon the will of
the Cowper Party. The settlers will now make no improvements; they will no longer take an
interest in the social and material progress of the interior. Once this
Electoral Bill is passed, once it becomes an Act, as far as we are concerned,
we shall cease to take an interest in the politics of New South Wales.
Already many of our best colonists here are leaving us; it is well for them
that they did so a few weeks back, or their property would have been
depreciated 30 or 40 per cent by the Cowper policy. The past week saw one of our stations on the boundary (in New South
Wales) sold for £28,000; the day after the sale, the fortunate (?) purchasers
(Messrs Orr) were offered £4000 for their bargain, because the property was
situated on the New South Wales side of the Murray. What, would it now fetch?
Public opinion in Victoria never concluded that a minister of the
sister colony would, in these enlightened times, "kill the goose that
lays the golden eggs". Their far-seeing men thought that New South Wales would seize on the
propitious moment, while the pastoral interests were wrecked by the insane policy
of the Victoria Ministry; they thought that a Minister of ordinary capacity
of foresight that could boast at least of being modiocrital,
would have fostered that interest which lifted the colony in days gone by,
and which promised so much in regard to its future prosperity. |