Tumut By
"Wombat." The Tumut
Advocate and Farmers & Settlers' Adviser 21
December 1909 |
The late Mr. T. Wilkinson, in a memoir he left, says he lived 18
months on the Gilmore, at the homestead how known as "Rosebank." The Gilmore Creek was dry from the end of
1838 until the middle of 1889. Wheat was worth £2 per bushel, and hard to
procure at that. "We took up a license for a holding on the Gilmore," says
the writer, " but a dispute arose with Shelley
as to the boundaries. We were ordered to move by Mr. Commissioner Bingham who
possessed great power at that time. We built where O'Brien's house now
stands, and had one crop of wheat, which was half smut. My brother John was
with me then. We had about 70 head of cattle. Bingham moved our license over to Yallowin; that was in June, 1840, and we were the first
there. We settled on the flat, and put in a crop of wheat at the top end of
it. All wheat was ground by hand flourmill, the nearest mill worked by power
being at Yass. McAlister was the only man who grow wheat for
sale on the Gilmore Creek, where Korn now resides.
Cultivation was done with the swing plough drawn by bullocks. All crops were
reaped by hand and threshed with flails. Rations in wheat were served out and
each man had to grind his own flour. We bred cattle at Yallowin, fat bullocks
then being worth 20s per head in Sydney, and hard to sell at that.
Two-year-olds wore worth 10s, 8-year-olds 14s and 5 and 6-year-olds 20s. We
paid about L25 a year for our squatting license. We could hire good men for
L12 a year. Whitty used to pay his men L5 a year and gave them each a 2-year-old
filly; he was one of the best employers at that time. Dr. Clayton owned East
and West Blowering in 1839, and about 2 years later
Whitty bought the property. There were no fences
existing anywhere. Our cattle grazed from Tumut to Lobbs
Hole, Davis had Yarrangobilly run in 1840. There had been stations on Long Plain, Tantangra,
Coolamon and Coorangorambla,
but they were all deserted on account of the snow. In 1840 we took our cattle
up to Long Plain (I was in partnership with W. Bridle sr).
We thought we could dairy there, but on March 8, 1841, snow commenced
to fall and this disgusted us, so we came back to Yallowin,
leaving our cattle at Long Plain where 80 of them perished in the snow. In
1851 gold was discovered in Victoria, and the dawn of better days
began." During the '40's the brothers Messrs Roland and George Shelley (the
latter being the father of Mr W. J. Shelley, of Tumut
Plains) took up Bombowlee Station (alte Rankin Bros), and after they occupied it a while
Hannibal Rose, who held Tumut Plains as a run, received a grant of 1280 acres
there, as an encouragement for settlement. When Mr. George Shelley married, he dissolved partnership with Mr.
Roland Shelley, who purchased his interest in Bombowlee
Station; and Mr. George Shelley purchased Mr. Hannibul
Rose's interest in Tumut Plains Run. In the Gazette of 1866, this shows an
area of 12,800 acres; grazing capability, 800 head of cattle. In these pioneer times, with stock down to starvation price,
with hundreds of blacks spearing their cattle and causing them to
stampede in terror for miles, with roads as Nature left them, and the
necessity of procuring food supplies and clothing from Sydney per medium of
bullock teams (usually meaning three months' absence from home), our early
presidents had anything but a rosy time of it. Their residences were of the most primitive description - slab walls
plastered with mortar to which chopped grass or horse hair had been added,
roofs of stringy bark, earth floors as a rule, blocks and slabs, with four
legs placed in them formed the principal sitting accommodation; their food
was of the coarsest beef and damper, the latter made of meal of their own
grinding (more wholesome and bone producing than the fine flour of to-day) -
hominy made of corn meal was a welcome addition. Of course they had their own
milk and butter, and the coarse living was far more productive of health than
the delicate living now. Gradually Tumut, by reason of its splendid climate, the productive
character of the famed Tumut Valley from Talbingo to the confluence of the
Tumut river with the Murrumbidgee, attracted settlement, but the distance to
the central markets considerably retarded the progress of the agriculturist,
and at this time (1841) the principal pursuits were pastoral, the squatters
growing a sufficiency of wheat, maize and potatoes for their own
requirements. It is one of the troubles of the Australian squatter that he is
treated alternately to a feast or a famine. Nature is profuse at intervals,
but has also her seasons of niggardliness. Tumut, luckily, being so near to the Australian Alps, seldom suffers
from drought. The river takes its rise in the angles formed by the Big Bogongs or Mane's Range and the Snowy or Bald Mountains,
about 36deg 10m south latitude ????? deg 25m east
longitude. It flows in a northerly direction for about 80 miles, through
rugged, scrubby country, from its source above Talbingo, until it falls into
the Murrumbidgee about 8 miles north east of Gundagai. It meanders through Talbingo, Blowering,
Tumut and Mingay on its way, and the strange thing
is that it has a greater average volume of water flowing beneath the bridge
at Tumut than it has at Gundagai, although the Tumut is but a tributary of
the Murrumbidgee. The first C.P.S. at Tumut was a Mr.Walker (appointed in 1845), afterwards and for many
years Commandant of Native Police in Queensland. It la said of him that he
was a clever and accomplished man, and sang a song which enraptured all
hearers. He taught his native troopers songs from Italian operas, &c, and
to hoar him sing "The Last Man" was considered a real vocal treat.
This gentleman had a strong military turn, and, when one of Commissioner
Bingham's troopers is said to have lost his way one night going to a maize
field, he drew his sword and cut his way through the maize,
much to the wonder of the owner when he looked at the state of his
agriculture. People will wonder nowadays how it was an English gentleman would
accept a position as a trooper under a commissioner. Many first class men,
sometimes prosperous ones later on, had to accept anything going;
there were few avenues indeed in their sphere of life. Splendid laboring
hands, in 1846, worked for their grub. Mr. Walker lived with Mr. Henry
Hilton, the chief constable, in a hut just where the Church of England has
since been built. Mr. Hilton was the son of a Liverpool merchant, and in the first
instance acted as commissioner's clerk. Later he carried out the duties of
postmaster and schoolteacher in the same quarters. Mr. W. S. Caswell, late
Police Magistrate at Goulburn, succeeded Mr. Walker as C.P.S, taking up that
office on June 7, 1847. There was no courthouse nor lockup, no town even. A store, kept by
Messrs Strachan and Webb, was situated next the Show Ground. Strachan was a
Scotchman, and a very shrewd man at that, and a keen business man. Webb was
the capitalist. He was an Irishman and related to one of the Irish patriots
of that day. He was a Trinity College (Dublin) man and possessed remarkable
talent, was witty, humorous and well informed. |