Monument Freeman's
Journal 21
April 1894 |
Vienna, March 9. On the 24th of March it will be a hundred years since Thaddeus
Kosciuszko, the last Commander-in-Chief of the Republic of Poland, to whom
the well known expressions 'Finis Polonić' is attributed, took the formal oath on the
Ring Platz in Cracow to fight for the freedom of
Poland to his last breath - a vow which he was not able fully to keep. On the historic spot in
question a monument is to be unveiled on the day of the Centenary, and a
tablet s to be placed in the chapel of the Cathedral where the hero's sword
was blessed before he left, as the Dictator of Poland, to fight the Russians.
It was intended to have a National Polish festival on Commemoration
day, and invitations were sent out several weeks back to Russian Poland and
the Polish districts of Prussia; but the address of the Cracow Committee was
confiscated in Prussia as well as in Russia, and now the same fate has
befallen it even in Galicia itself. This makes it doubtful whether any public festivity will be permitted
to take place on the appointed day. The Poles, however, will not long be deprived of an opportunity for
national demonstrations, as a Galician Exhibition, with an International
Section, will be held this year in Lemberg, from
June to the end of September, and it will hardly be possible for the
respective authorities to prevent Poles from Russia and Prussia flocking to
the Galician capital. |