Lamentable Calamity Overtaken Gundagai The Sydney Morning Herald 17 July
1852 |
Goulburn, July 13. - Pursuant to public notice a meeting was held yesterday
evening at the Salutation Inn, for the purpose of devising means for the
relief of the sufferers at Gundagai and the Murrumbidgee district. The Rev. William Sowerby was unanimously
called to the chair. The object of the meeting having been stated The Rev. W.
Ross, in rising to propose the first resolution, said, that it was clearly
the duty of this meeting to extend a helping hand to those who survived the
late lamentable calamity which had overtaken Gundagai. It was their duty to send the gift of their charity to supply the
pressing wants of the sufferers; but as the Government had come so promptly
forward and used such praiseworthy diligence in administering immediate
relief to the surviving inhabitants of Gundagai, he did not think the meeting
was called upon to interfere, as in other, circumstances they would be; the
Government have evinced their charity - they have stepped out nobly to do a
most benevolent work, and let them have the praise and the honour. (Cheers.) It was a most painful event which had brought them together, and they
ought to express their sympathy for the sufferers, and to declare their
readiness to extend their aid to any case of peculiar distress which might be
authenticated at any future time. There was a gentleman present, Mr, Michael,
who was an eye-witness of the desolation at Gundagai, and he would no doubt
be able to name parties there who could testify as to peculiar cases of need. Mr. Ross then read the resolution, which was seconded by Mr. Patterson
"That this meeting begs to express
its cordial sympathy for those individuals who have suffered from the late
unprecedented and awful floods, and pledges itself to use every means in its
power to afford relief in cases of extreme suffering and privation, caused by
this visitation of Providence." The resolution was put and carried unanimously. Mr. E. B. Kitson thought it would be very
desirable to get as much information as possible in reference to eases
soliciting relief, so as it may be afforded to the really necessitous. The chairman then read the substance of a letter received by Mr. O'sullivan from Mr. Dawes, in which he is requested to
send on supplies from Goulburn on account of the committee formed in Sydney. Mr. Michael, the gentleman referred to by Mr. Ross, named Mr. Turnbull
and Mr. Davison, at Gundagai, as proper persons to testify as to particular
cases requiring aid. Mr. D. H. Thorn delivered a most energetic speech, in which he
denounced the government of Sir George Gipps for
refusing to act on Mr. Commissioner Bingham's suggestion in 1844, in
reference to the state of Gundagai, and thought we ought to testify our
disapproval of the government, and its maxim of, "what a man buys, he buys for better and for worse;" but he
would put it to the meeting, whether the people at Gundagai had not the worst
of it; and having the worst of it, it rested entirely with the government, by
the direction of whom a township had been formed on the banks of the
Murrumbidgee, within the water mark, subject to floods at almost every fall
of rain. Had Mr. Bingham's suggestion been attended to, Gundagai would have
been one of the most flourishing townships in the southern country, but not
being attended to, its notoriety consists in being the grave of its own
inhabitants, who in a moment when they were not aware, were swept away,
buried in its ruins, and called to give in their account before God. He, Mr. Thorn, thought that the conduct of Government was unfeeling in
refusing to exchange allotments for those which had been put up for sale;
this very circumstance was a guarantee to the purchasers that they were worth
buying-worth building upon; - for what is a town allotment worth if it is not
fit for such purposes? Events which have transpired have shown that the allotments sold by
the Government at Gundagai were unfit for the purpose for which they were
sold, and the sufferers had a strong claim on the Government for
compensation. Mr. Thorn continued his remarks for some time, and concluded then with
a reflection on Sir George Gipps, and hoped that
this meeting would not separate without bringing the claim of the occupants
of land at Gundagai before the Government, conceiving that this was a most
effectual way of showing our sympathy. Mr. Thom then read his proposition, but the Chairman considered Mr.
Thorne had travelled out of the object of the meeting. In most of what had
fallen from Mr. Thorn he (Mr. Sowerby) coincided;
but as his proposition was, in his estimation, out of order, he did not think
it right to put it to the meeting. Mr. Kitson thought Mr. Thorn had lost sight
of the fact that Government had no power to exchange allotments, they did
what they were called on to do in 1844, which was to lay out allotments in a
more eligible site; they had power to sell, but not to exchange allotments,
and he (Mr. K.) thought Mr. Thorn should have modified his observations in
reference to the dead. The Rev. W. Ross thought that Mr. Thorn should have taken his advice, viz, to let the object of the meeting be proceeded with,
and then to call a separate meeting to consider his proposition. When Mr. Thorn then adopted the course proposed by Mr. Ross. Mr. Kitson begged to propose the second
resolution, which was seconded by Mr. D. H. Thorn, "That the following gentlemen be appointed a Committee to carry into
effect the wishes of this meeting, viz., the Clergy of the different
denominations, Messrs. W. Chatfield, J. O. Sullivan, R. Waugh, F. Oakes, S.
Davis, N. Mendleson, R. Craig, and C. A. Dibbin, with power to add to their number, and that Mr.
O. Sullivan be requested to act as treasurer, and Mr. Dibdin
as secretary." The usual vote of thanks was proposed to the chairman, and carried by
acclamation. In the course of the meeting the Chairman stated he had received a
letter from Mr. O. Sullivan, excusing his attendance at the meeting. Mr. Patterson was then called to the chair, and Mr. D. H. Thorn begged
to propose the following resolution, which Was seconded by Mr. Dibdin:- "That this meeting desire
to record as their deliberate opinion, that the late fearful catastrophe in
the town of Gundagai might have been avoided, if the recommendation of Mr.
Commissioner Bingham had been attended to in 1844, when it was shown that the
present site of Gundagai was unsuited for a township, owing to its being
subject to inundation; and that as the Government formed the township, and
sold the allotments, it was a guarantee of their fitness for the purpose for
which they were sold, and an inducement to parties to purchase such lots and
improve them. Under such
circumstances, that the persons who have suffered loss by the late inundation
of Gundagai are entitled to compensation from the Government for the same. And that
the chairman of this meeting be requested to forward this resolution, on
behalf of this meeting, to the Executive Government." Which was carried
unanimously. PS.-Three tons of flour and a lot of blankets were sent to Gundagai
this day, on account of the Government. £20 a ton is to be paid for the carriage. |