Medical Shylocks The Sydney
Morning Herald 20 April 1858
On the morning of Tuesday, the 13th instant, an accident of a serious
nature occurred about one mile on this side of Mullengandra.
The mailman was driving along a sideling, when the horses bolted,
upsetting the cart, and throwing the driver and a passenger with great
violence to the ground. The passenger was severely bruised, but the mailman remained lying in
the road for some time insensible. Assistance having been procured from Mr. Pankhurst's hotel, the driver
was removed thither, and the mail was brought to Albury by Mr. John O'Keefe,
who happened to be going to the Tumut with teams. The precise nature of the injuries sustained by the driver is not
known, and we regret to state that the members of the medical profession in
Albury refused to ride out to Mullengandra, a
distance of twenty miles, unless guaranteed their fees, whilst the agent of
the mail contractors declined to incur any liability whatever. The poor man, therefore, is left to his fate, notwithstanding the fact
that the police magistrate offered to give £5 from the benevolent fund, and
several private citizens also volunteered contributions towards defraying the
expenses of furnishing medical aid to the sufferer. Of course the money could not be
collected instanter, but our medical Shylocks
insisted on their pound of flesh before going to see whether the man was
alive or dead. |