Meeting of Goulburn Inhabitants Empire, Sydney 21 July 1852 |
Goulburn. Meeting for the relief of the sufferers by the floods. On Monday evening last a meeting of the inhabitants of Goulburn,
convened by advertisement, was held at the Salutation Inn, for the purpose of
devising the best means of relieving the suffers by the late floods. The Rev. William Sowerby was voted into the
chair. The Rev. William Ross, in moving the first resolution, said, that originally
it was intended to raise subscriptions in the district for the purpose of
purchasing supplies for the relief of the sufferers on the Murrumbidgee, but
as Government had come forward with very effective aid, and appeared to
intend to act liberally towards the survivors, it was not deemed necessary
under the circumstances to call on the charitable sympathy of the inhabitants
at the present time; however, should occasion arise requiring the
contributions of the public, a resolution had been framed pledging the
meeting to do all in its power to raise such sum as the exigency might
require. The Rev. gentleman then read the following resolution:- "That this
meeting begs to express its cordial sympathy for those individuals who have
suffered from the late unprecedented and awful floods, and pledges itself to
use every means in its power to afford relief in cases of extreme suffering
and privation caused by this visitation of Providence.” Mr. Pattison having seconded it, Mr. Kitson
said he understood that the Bench here had received orders from the
Government to purchase ten tons of flour and a quantity of blankets, and
forward them to Gundagai. Three tons and100 blankets would be forwarded in the morning and the
remainder would follow. Mr. O'Sullivan had received
instructions from the Relief Committee in Sydney to buy a ton of flour and a
quantity of sugar and tea, and send it on; therefore the immediate wants of'
the distressed would be quickly supplied. Mr. D. H. Thorn said that before passing the resolution for a working
committee, he thought one having refered to the
conduct of the Government in laying out a township in the bed of a river,
ought to be put to the sense of the meeting. The Government richly deserved censuring, for after the flood of' 1844
they had been memorialised by the inhabitants of'
the ill-fated township for permission to exchange allotments they had
purchased, for others situated in the range beyond the reach of floods. The then Governor, Sir George Gipps, in
reply to the memorialists, said, that a ma Bought
his land for better or worse. Mr. Thorn concluded a long speech in which he
deprecated the conduct of Government, by moving the following resolution:- "That this meeting desires
to record, as its deliberate opinion, that the late fearful catastrophe in
the town of Gundagai might have been avoided, if the recommendation of Mr.
Commissioner, Bingham had been, attended to in 1846, when it was shown that
the present site of Gundagai was unsuited for a township, owing to its being
subject to inundation, and that as the Government formed the township and
sold the allotments, it was a guarantee of their fitness for the purposes for
which they were sold, and an inducement to parties to purchase such lots and
improve them. Under such circumstances, that the persons who have suffered
loss by the late inundation of Gundagai are entitled to compensation from the
Government for the same. That the
Chairman be requested to forward this resolution in behalf of the meeting to
the Executive Government." A long discussion arose as to the propriety of putting the resolution
from the chair, and as it was the general opinion of those present that it
was out of place, the mover withdrew intimating that he would put it to the
meeting after the conclusion of the regular business. Mr. Kitson then moved the appointment of a
Committee to carry out the wishes of the meeting - the Committee to consist
of the clergy of all denominations, Messrs. O'Sullivan, Chatfield, Waugh, F. Oakess, S. Davis, (Australian store.) S. Emanuel, R.
Craig, C. A. Dibdin, and R. Mandelson;
that Mr. O'Sullivan be requested to act as treasurer, and Mr. Dibdin as secretary. The resolution was seconded and carried. The Rev. Chairman having left the chair, a vote of thanks was passed,
and Mr. D. Patterson was called to preside over a second meeting, at which
Mr. Thorn's resolution was put and curried. The Late
Floods. News is daily arriving from the interior describing the ravages of
the, late floods. There has been a great destruction of property at Gundaroo, Bungonia, Braidwood, Molonglo,
and Maneroo, but no lives have been lost. In several places "the
wreckers" were carrying on a brisk trade, but their depredations
have been much checked by several committals. There are three or four, in our gaol here awaiting trial for the
offence. |