Holland 13 March 1834 Extracts
from Sturt’s Expedition in Southern Australia. Launceston
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Since, therefore, it appears, from what has been advanced, that it is not to
the westward the views of any settlers should be directed, excepting
under particular circumstances, it remains for us to consider what other
parts of the colony hold out, or appear to hold out, greater advantages.
The eye naturally turns to south
the one hand, and to Port Macquarie northerly on the other. It is to be remarked that the eastern
shores of Australia partake of the same barren character that marks the
other three. It is generally bounded to a certain extent by a sandy and
sterile-tract. There are, however, breaks in so
prolonged a line, as might have been expected, where, from particular
local causes, both the soil and vegetation are of a superior kind. At Illawarra for instance, the contiguity
of the mountains to the coast leaves no room for the sandy belt we have
noticed, but the debris from them reaches to the very shore. Whether from reflected heat, or from
some other peculiarity of situation, the vegetation of Illawarra is of an
inter-tropical character, birds that strangers to the county of Cumberland
frequent its thickets. There is no part of Australia where
the feathered race are more beautiful, or more
diversified. The most splendid pigeon, perhaps,
that the world produces, and the satin bird, with its lovely eye, feed there upon the berries of the ficus
(wild fig,) and other trees: and a numerous tribe of the accipitrine class soar over its dense and
spacious forests. We again see a break in the sandy line
of the coast at Broken Bay, at Newcastle, and still further north at Port
Macquarie; at which places the Hawkesbury, the Hunter, and the Hastings
severally debouche. Of Port Macquarie, as a place of
settlement, I entertain a very high opinion, in consequence of its being
situated under a most favourable parallel of latitude. I am convinced it holds out many
substantial advantages. One of the most important of these is the circumstance
of its having been much, improved when copied as a penal settlement. And since the shores of the
colony are now navigated by steam-boats, the facility of water
communication would be proportionably great.
I believe the Five Islands or
Illawarra district is considered peculiarly eligible for small settlers. The great drawback to this place
is the heavy character of its timber and the closeness of its thickets,
which vie almost with the American woods in those respects. The return, however, is adequate to
the labor required in clearing the ground.
Between the Five Islands and Sydney, a constant intercourse is kept up by numerous
small craft; and a communication with the interior, by branch roads from
the great southern line to the coast, would necessarily be thrown open
if the more distant parts of it were sufficiently peopled. Recent surveys have discovered to us
rich and extensive tracts in the remote interior between Jervis Bay and
Batemans Bay, and southwards upon the western slope of the dividing
range. The account given by Messrs.
Hovel and Hume is sufficient to prove that every valley they
grossed was worthy of notice, and the several rivers they forded were flanked
by rich arid extensive flats. The distance of Moneroo
Plains, and of the Doomot* and Morumbidgee
Rivers from Sydney, alarms the settler, who knows not the value of those
localities; but men whose experience has taught them to set this
obstacle at nought, have long depastured their herds
on the banks of the last two. The fattest cattle that supply
the Sydney market are fed upon the rich flats,
and in the grassy valleys of the Morumbidgee; and
there are several beautiful farms upon those of the Doomot.
Generally speaking, the persons who reside
in those distant parts, pay little attention to the comfort of their
dwellings, or to the raising of more grain than their establishments may
require; but there can be no doubt this part of the interior ought to be the
granary of New South Wales; its climate and greater humidity being more
favourable than that of Sydney for the production of wheat. The most serious disadvantage under
which the colony of New South Wales labours, is
in the drought to which it is periodically subject. Its climate may be said to be too
dry; in other respects it is one of the most delightful under
heaven; and experience of the certainty of the recurrence of the trying seasons
to which I allude, should teach men to provide against their effects. Those seasons, during which no rain falls,
appear, from, the observations of former writers, to occur every tenor
twelve years; and it is somewhat singular that no cause has been assigned
for such periodical visitations. Whether the state of the interior has
anything to do with them, and whether the wet or dry condition of the
marshes at all regulate the seasons, is a question upon which I will not
venture to give any decisive opinion. But most assuredly, when the
interior is dry, the seasons are dry and vice versa. Indeed, not only is this the case, but
rains, from excessive duration in the first year after a drought, decrease
gradually year after year, until they wholly cease for a time. It seems not improbable, therefore, that
the state of the interior does, in some measure, regulate the fall of
rain upon the eastern ranges, which appears to decease in quantity yearly as
the marshes become exhausted, and cease altogether, when they no longer
contain any water. A drought will naturally follow
until such time as the air becomes surcharged with clouds or vapour from
the ocean, which being no longer able to sustain their own weight,
descend upon the mountains, and being conveyed by hundreds of streams
into the western lowlands, again fill the marshes, and cause the
recurrence of regular seasons. The thermometer ranges during summer
months, that is, from September to March, from 36° to 106° of Fahrenheit,
but the mean of the temperature during he above
period is 70°. The instrument in the winter months
ranges from 27° to 98°, with a mean of 66°. However great the summer heat may
appear, it is certain that the climate of New South Wales has not the
relaxing and enfeebling effect upon the constitution, which renders a
residence in India or other parts of the south so intolerable. Neither are
any of the ordinary occupations of business or of pleasure laid aside at
noon, or during the hottest part of the day. The traveller may cast himself at
length under the first tree that invites him and repose there safely as
if he were in a palace. Fearless of damps, and unmolested
by noxious insects, his sleep is as sound as it is refreshing, and he
rises with renewed spirits to pursue his journey. Equally so may the ploughman or
the labourer seek repose beside his team and allow them to graze quietly
round him. The delicious coolness of the morning
and the mild temperature of the evening air, in that luxurious climate,
are beyond the power of description. It appears to have an influence on
the very animals, the horses and cattle being particularly docile; and I
cannot but think it has some degree the same happy effect upon some of the
hardened human beings who are sent thither from the old world. As I have before observed, it has not
yet been discovered whether there are any indigenous fruits of any value
in Australia. In the colony of New South Wales there
certainly are none; yet the climate is peculiarly adapted for the growth
of every European land of many tropical productions. The orange, fig, the citron, the pomegranate,
the peach, the apple, the guava, the nectarine, the pear, and the loquats grow
side by side together. The plantain its broad leaves over the
water, the vine encircles the cottages, and the market of Sydney is
abundantly supplied with every culinary vegetable. In climate,
therefore, so soft that man scarcely left it but with regret, and so enchanting
that few have acted upon, - and the heart feel lighter. Such indeed, I have myself found
to be the case; nor have I ever been happier that when roving through
the woods or wandering along one of the silent and beautiful bays for
which the harbour of Port Jackson is so celebrated. I went to New South Wales as I have
already remarked, highly prejudiced against it, both from the nature of
service, and the character of the great body of its inhabitants. My regiment has since quitted its
shores, but I am aware there are few of them who would not gladly
return. The feeling I have in its favour
arises not therefore, from the services in which I was employed but from
circumstances in the colony itself; and I yet hope to form one of its
community, and to join a number of valuable and warm-hearted friends
whom I left in that distant part of the world, |
* Tumut
River |