Opening of Bredalbane & Goulburn Plains
Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser
December 1820
Notice. Secretary's
Office, Sydney, 9th December, 1820. HIS Excellency the Governor, having reason
to believe that granting permission to the proprietors, of herds and flocks
to depasture the new country, situated between Bargo Brush and Cookbundoon
Range, as already done in the Government Notice of the 25th ultimo, would be
of material benefit to those Persons by relieving their lands in the County
of, Cumberland, now in an exhausted state, and being now informed that the
benefit would be still much increased by dispensing with the limitation as to
the range of pasturage where it is confined to the said Cookbundoon
Range; His Excellency is pleased to notify, that this limitation is
accordingly done away, and that all the open country called Breadalbane and Goulburn Plains to the southward and
westward of said range, not otherwise appropriated, may be in like manner depastured as the country laying between Bargo and Cookbundoon Range,
according to the former notification; subject however to the third regulation
in that notice. His
Excellency is pleased to notify further, that when it shall be found necessary
to locate specially the lands laying between Bargo
Brush and Cookbundoon Range, those persons who may
have herds or flocks, at that time on those lands, will have permission to
send them over Cookbundoon Range to Breadalbane and Goulburn Plains, and thence to proceed
with them at their own discretion, not interfering with lands already
appropriated to any special purposes. |