Return of Mr. Batman The Hobart Town Courier 26 June
1835 |
The return of Mr. Batman
from his expedition to Port Phillip with the favourable
result of his interview with the aborigines there, has, we learn, induced
above a dozen of our most wealthy and influential capitalists both here and
at Launceston to join him in the enterprise. As far as placing sheep on that fine pastoral country, and bringing it
for the first time into a productive state, and of which this colony will
mainly reap the benefit, we cannot but applaud the measure. The spirited individuals who embark in it will not only explore and
bring into use the resources of a hitherto almost unknown country, but the
compact which Mr. Batman has so wisely made with the original owners of the
soil must to a great extent, if fairly observed by the whites, have the most
happy effect in maintaining an amicable intercourse between the graziers and their black associates. Happy had it been for Van Diemen's Land if the same step had been
taken with the aborigines of it on its first settlement by the English. But how far this arrangement will guarantee the ultimate possession of
the soil to Mr. Batman & his partners is a question on which we do not
wish for the present, at least, to offer an opinion. At all events, if the crown, upon forming any establishment there,
should assert its right, and insist on a return for ensuring the quiet
possession of the country under the enjoyment of British law, rights, and
privileges, it will of necessity, at the same time, recognise
its right and bounden duty to protect and preserve the aborigines of the same
territory, and will not fail to do what has never yet been done, open the
coffers of the Home Treasury, in the blessed work of teaching, civilising, and supporting them. |