Southward Temporary Grazing Relief The
Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 25
November 1820
Excellency the Governor, accompanied by the Honorable the Commissioner of
Enquiry having recently made a tour of inspection through the country lately
discovered to the Westward and Southward of the Cow-Pastures; and having
ascertained, by personal Survey, that a large portion of that country is a
rich soil well adapted for the purposes of agriculture and pasturage, His
Excellency has thereon taken into consideration the present exhausted state
of the pasture land on this side of the Nepean in the County of Cumberland,
in part arising from its being overstocked, but principally from the
destructive ravages of the caterpillar, by which they were some time since
visited; and being anxious to extend such temporary relief to the graziers as the said new country may afford, is pleased
to notify, that such Settlers, as are possessed of herds or flocks, may send
them, for a time to be hereafter limited, to depasture
the fertile tracts of the new country, they undertaking to do so at their own
risk, and subject to the following restrictions and regulations : 1st.
As the country now offered for the temporary relief of the herds and flocks
of those settlers on this side of the Nepean, whose pasturage is at present
in a state of exhaustion, will be shortly located and granted to those
several persons who, in July last, obtained Promise of Grants; they, who may
now choose to avail themselves of the offered indulgence, are to hold
themselves in readiness to withdraw their said herds and flocks from the new
country, so soon as the same shall have been specially located; but they are
at the same time notified, that such removal will be rendered as little
inconvenient to them as possible; for which purpose two months' notice will
be given them, through the medium of the Sydney Gazette, wherein it will be
published three different Times. The
land now offered for the service of the stockholders being situated between
the Cow Pastures and the chain of hills termed the Cookbundoon
Range. Persons wishing to avail themselves of the present liberty,
are to resort to that place exclusively. 2d.
As the range of country called and known by the name of the "Cow
Pastures" is to be, for a further period, reserved for the use of the
wild. Cattle belonging to Government, the public will take notice that the
said Cow Pastures extend to the western limits of the country called "Bargo;" and it being of the utmost importance that
every precaution should be used to guard against the herds and flocks of
private persons intermingling with those of Government, it is ordered and
directed, that such persons, as shall send their herds or flocks to the
country lying, between the Cow Pastures and Cookbundoon
Range, shall drive them directly, and without any unnecessary delay, through
the entire of the Bargo Brush to the new country
beyond, and to the west of the said Brush; on pain of their being seized
& impounded for trespass. 3d. That,
in compliance with the standing orders, prohibiting persons passing through
the Cow Pastures without a special authority from His Excellency, or his
Secretary, addressed to the Constables on Duty therein, all persons, meaning
to avail themselves of the present indulgence, are required to furnish to His
Excellency’s Secretary an account of the number and description of the cattle
they propose sending for pasturage to said new country, whereon they will
receive passports for them to proceed through the cow pastures, the bearers
of applications for such passports will he required to wait for, and be the
bearers thereof, from His Excellency's Secretary. Government and General
Government House, Parramatta,. Civil
Department. |