Steam Boats on the Murray? South Australian Register 18 February 1852 |
Our leading article on Monday, on the interesting and important
subject indicated above, attracted the notice of an enterprising settler on
the Darling, Mr. P. B. Walsh, who happens to be just now in Adelaide, having
brought hither by land, for sale or shipment, some of his last clip of wool,
and a small flock of wethers for a market. The circumstantial information which that gentleman has obligingly
furnished us with is so completely confirmatory of the views which we have so
long exerted ourselves to impress upon the public mind as to the importance
of providing steam navigation on the Murray, that we have great pleasure in
laying it before our readers in a connected form. Mr. Walsh's principal station is 120 miles up the Darling, and he has
hitherto been accustomed to send his wool to Melbourne by way of Swan Hill on
the Upper Murray, where there is a large ferry punt capable of taking, over
ten bullocks and a dray with a load of three tons. The journey is a long and wearisome one, although the road from Swan
Hill to Melbourne is remarkably good. The tardiness of the South Australians in carrying out the proposed
navigation of the Murray has created in the minds of the settlers on that
river and its tributaries a feeling of disappointment amounting to disgust,
and has caused some of them to entertain a proposition made by a wealthy firm
interested in preserving intact the intercourse with Melbourne. This proposition goes to the extent of meeting the distant settlers
half-way, namely at Swan Hill, on the Upper Murray, with supplies from
Melbourne by means of carriers, who take back the wool, and thus save such
distant settlers half the journey heretofore incurred with so much toil, and
attended by the serious inconvenience of the long protracted absence of some
of their people. Thus much in explanation of the many disadvantages, and the great
expense of the present means of transit available to the settlers on the
banks of the Darling; which may serve also to elucidate the toils and
expenditure connected with other stations, remote from any of the Australian
ports. We now come to the inducements which are already presented for the
encouragement of traffic upon the waters of the Murray and its navigable
tributaries. We do not imagine that there can be any necessity for our insisting
upon the possibility of navigating the Murray from Wellington to the junction
of the Darling. That seems to be a settled point. And whether the steamers, in order
to become available at all seasons, and under all circumstances, must draw
not more than 3 feet or 5 feet is only a matter of detail which may easily be
determined on the safe side; by adopting vessels of 3 feet draught, which are
sure to answer. The Darling is occupied on both banks to a point 250 miles distant
from its junction with the Murray. The season of flood usually succeeds the time of sheep shearing, and
it is then navigable not only to that extent but far beyond. There are 400 miles of country on both banks of the Darling yet
unoccupied simply in consequence of the extreme distance from any place of
shipment; but, if steamers were employed, they might ascend the Darling after
the season of sheep-shearing, and load even from the wool-sheds, some of
which are built on the banks of the river. The 400 miles of unoccupied country on each bank of the Darling
include a large proportion of as fine cattle country as any in the world; the
whole of which would be taken up at once, and plentifully stocked, if the
Darling were but furnished with facilities for its navigation. About 40 miles above the junction of the Murrumbidgee with the Murray
is the imperfect junction of the Lachlan, which requires the judicious application
of human labour to unite the navigable waters above with those below. The intervening space, however, is capable of easy land-transit; and,
if steamers could be engaged to ascend to the point indicated, a vast
quantity of produce would be brought, even from the banks of the unconnected
Lachlan. That river is thickly settled to a great extent on both sides, and is
capable of producing vast quantities of butter, cheese, hams, and bacon for
distant consumption or export. Mr. Walsh says that, from his own knowledge, he can pronounce the
Murrumbidgee navigable for a distance of 400 miles from its junction with the
Murray. Mr. Scott, in his recent Report to the Government, which appeared in
our columns, says it is navigable as far as Wagga-Wagga,
a distance of between 500 and 600 miles. The Edwards River is also navigable to a considerable- extent, and the
country on its banks is plentifully stocked with sheep and cattle. With respect, to the Upper Murray, the settlement of Swan Hill seems
to be the proper landing place for steam-boat passengers bound to the gold
fields lying between Mount Alexander and that river. And as that point is actually less than 100 miles from the
northernmost diggings of the Mount Alexander district, with a good road, well
watered, abundance of feed, and several intervening stations, and as the
Murray and its continuations are navigable all the way through from
Wellington to Swan Hill, we want nothing in the world but one or two suitable
steamers to establish an active and profitable traffic with that El Dorado,
and to bring down an immense and perpetually increasing amount of produce of
various kinds. The above is only a portion of the detailed information with which we
have been favoured by Mr. Walsh upon this most
interesting subject. |